Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Lich King's Wrath Unleashed

New WoW xpac is out. It's not bad, lost internet the day after I got the game but I was able to ninja my neighbor's wifi to get a couple levels in before my net was restored. The first thing the Lich King has unleashed his wrath upon would be my comic bewks. I did manage to read a few things last week, but I was forced to do it the old fashioned way....looking at the pictures. Couple things I noticed...

1.) Alex Ross should do more work with inks.

2.) Judd Winick's Green Arrow run would have been much better had I just looked at the pictures instead of reading it. Thank god we get a new writer next month, these last 5 years have been torture. I would rather be in a circle jerk with my dad and grandpa than re-read this crap.

3.) When Kevin Smith was researching the Joker for his new Onomatopoeia arc in "Batman Cacophony", he watched Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain instead of Dark Knight.

That is all.



JaYson said...

Omg... Love the Kevin Smith quip.

Hey, how come you lazy friend hasn't posted
anything new?

The Dollars said...

LOL a #3!!