Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yes We Can! (this excludes getting a copy of ASM #583)

I don't know what's harder, McCain beating Obama in the election, or trying to score a copy of Amazing Spiderman tomorrow. I opened my email this afternoon to this:


I will not be able to make the Amazing Spider-Man happen. I'm very mad a Marvel right now. It was rush to market 2 day order only for this unannounced comic the week before Christmas (over a Wednesday no less and buried in a Marvel retailer email ). A ton of retailers missed it."

Hopefully all of the lucky people that manage to score a copy will heed our new President's advice and "spread the wealth". That's about the only way I'll get a copy.

Off to ebay!

Edit: If anyone should find an extra copy, shoot me and email and let's do bidness.

1 comment:

JaYson said...

wha ist dis... sum leeft wing lib crapola?? If you wantz a funny book wiff Obama-mama i'll whip out muh weiner and paint one up! --

Inspired from ideas taken from MonsterInk's comments on DeviantArt.