Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Final-ly a Blog Post!

In honor of major delays with publishers, we have decided to follow suit with delays in blogposts. Without further adieu...

Last week I re-read JLA Rock of Ages, 7 Soldiers, and FC....and I have to say, I loved it.

DC finally told a story with Final Crisis that Marvel cannot do. In the past, both companies could easily replace characters in a story and it would still work. Hell, DC had "Superhero Registration" ages ago in Justice Society. FC managed to use all of DC's characters and continuity flaws to create an epic story. We saw Freddy Captain Marvel as well as the Marvel Earth Billy Batson Captain Marvel, multiple Flashes, Kirby's New Gods.... and Batman defeated (how often does anyone show that anymore).

While it was annoying to follow monthly, in a single sitting or two, the "channel flicking" storytelling really added to the epic feel. We were able to see not just how 1-2 characters/teams were reacting, but we saw what each player in the DCU was up to. My only complaint is that it should have been released bi-weekly or as a straight up trade. The delays, in addition to Morrison's storytelling, made it a tough read initially.

That being said, I really feel like I got my money's worth out of this series. At $3.99 a pop for 7 issues, I'm glad I read it twice to knock it down to $2.00 (unlike Marvel books which get boarded and boxed immediately after reading).

WTB less spoon feeding, and more storytelling that requires someone to actually think about what is on the page.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Yes We Can! (this excludes getting a copy of ASM #583)

I don't know what's harder, McCain beating Obama in the election, or trying to score a copy of Amazing Spiderman tomorrow. I opened my email this afternoon to this:


I will not be able to make the Amazing Spider-Man happen. I'm very mad a Marvel right now. It was rush to market 2 day order only for this unannounced comic the week before Christmas (over a Wednesday no less and buried in a Marvel retailer email ). A ton of retailers missed it."

Hopefully all of the lucky people that manage to score a copy will heed our new President's advice and "spread the wealth". That's about the only way I'll get a copy.

Off to ebay!

Edit: If anyone should find an extra copy, shoot me and email and let's do bidness.