Friday, December 12, 2008

Dallas Comics are Rockin

So I buy my comics from the coolest shop in town, Zeuss Comics. This store plays the best music I've heard since I moved to Texas. I've head everything from MGMT, to Yelle, but today I was caught off guard when I walked in and heard "Rock me In" (which is my favorite song on the new album).

Anyway, I picked up...
Punisher: War Zone - read the first 2 pages, badass (although not as badass as "Splat Foo")
Dark Reign - (Bendis and Maleev ummm sick)
Justice League of America
Action Comics (at least Gary Frank did the cover)
Green Arrow/Black Canary - I'm pretty excited about this. Not because there is a new writer, but mostly because Judd Winick is gone. I have to say the news of Geoff Johns leaving JSA this close to Judd freeing up a book really scares me. I get this creepy feeling we haven't seen the last of Judd Winick crapping over what was once a great title. When I mentioned my excitement of Winnick leaving the Green Arrow-verse, my comic shop owner laughed and chimed in with a comment that echoed the wise Jay Kretzer..... "Winick started off strong with Exiles!".

It's always nice when your dealer chimes in with some inside knowledge. The only thing cooler than reading comics, it's talking comics (and it seems these days that's becoming harder and harder to do). While I'm looking forward to the Watchmen movie, I'm not looking forward to every conversation I will have with someone that reads comics that starts with "Have you ever read Watchmen?". I've been reading comics for nearly 20 years, of course I've read Watchmen. Who hasn't? That's like starting a conversation with Quentin Tarantino and asking him if he's seen a movie before. In order to alleviate the tired conversation, I will offer (free of charge) the following suggestions of cool stories that are newer than Watchmen.

Preacher - It's what made Ennis. Ennis.
The Authority - Before The Ultimates, before Wanted, before Civil War, before Kick-Ass, there was The Authority. Read it. (other people that have worked on this book include Warren Ellis, Ed Brubaker, Bryan Hitch, and Art Adams...yea)
Daredevil - Before Bendis rocked the Marvel U with his Avengers, he was making his mark on Daredevil. His run goes back to the core of the character Frank Miller helped define. Once you finish this, you will want to go right into the Brubaker run because it's just sick. Lady Bullseye, The Hand, Iron Fist, Black Tarantula, Dakota North(yes that Dakota North), did I mention ninjas?!?!?
Captain America - The best book Marvel is putting out. Hands down.

So yea, add these to your Christmas list and thank me later.

1 comment:

Wanna-be Heroes said...

Great post, I agree with everything! Also, I think when peeps start talking to me about watchmen, I'm just gonna be like, "Watchmen, isn't that the book the guy from Levi's commercial in the early 90's was rocking on? No? Well, man, that dude was drawing the shit out of everything. They should do a movie for him next...with 12 alternate openings and the tickets to see it could be holographic." Then i'd wait for them to start to reply and interrupt them and say, "Let's get some food, I'm huuuuungry! knowwhaddamean?"