Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Bag it or Trash it…

This is a new segment that I’ll be doing every so often exclaiming to ‘Bag’ or ‘Trash’ books of the week. To ‘Bag it’ simply means, place it in a comic bag because it is good or worthy of re-reads later and to ‘Trash it’ means…well, it means just that. So on to some of this week’s books.

Terra #2 –
In the opening scene of this issue, we get to watch as Amanda Conner weaves an ‘Austin Power’ish scene of everything from hands to owl feathers covering up the protagonist’s most private parts as she dances through countless word balloons filled with chatter. Ultimately, what I love about Amanda’s art is the fact that she doesn’t need to draw images referenced from actual movie stars or overdo crosshatching & accent lines in attempt to create life-like characters. Instead, her style is deceivingly simple, but very full of life. In the two issues of Terra, we get to see just how life-like they are, whether it be with her wonderful array of facial expressions that really define her characters or with the mundane tasks her characters carry out in the back & foregrounds (such as Doctor Mid-nite having to reach for a canister of Fowl Towls to clean up after his pet owl). The story isn’t bad so far, but it’s the art that has me coming back for more right now.
Amanda Conner is always bag’able and this comic is more of the same.

Fantastic Four #561 –
I’m not the world’s biggest fan of Millar, but I must say, this comic is not half bad. There are plenty of twists and turns with fun reveals in it. Seems to be a good mix of story & action with art that is pretty good. All in all, it’s a good job by Millar & Hitch. Oh, and someone dies in it, you almost have to bag it just based on that.
And since there is not a twelve-year-old ninja running people through with swords in this one, I’ll have to say…

I’ll try and get some more posted soon. If you have any comics you would like to suggest to make it to this list, please let me know in a comment. Till next time…
-JaY k.

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