What a day to launch a blog entitled, Wanna-be Heroes. Halloween, the one day of the year we can don our capes and masks and not be looked at like unwelcome mold. Instead, we receive a plethora of ooo's and ah's as we enter a room and strike our heroic poses. Sometimes, we even get candy. Hooozah!.
Some of you may be saying, "Wait just a minute there, fella, we get to wear our costumes all the time at conventions and such". Well, I'm not talking about you losers. I'm not against you guys, but you don't live in the same world I grew up in.
The world, in which I came up, didn't have as much tolerance for comic geeks and the like as it does now. In my day (in my best grandpa impression), if you were crossing the street in your fabulous Naraku costume, there was a danger of some reject from Deliverance running you down in their pickup truck with a large rebel flag blaring on the back window. Today, that same pickup could have a Superman steering wheel cover and vinyl running across the front windshield reading, "Why so Serious?". Granted the pickup may still run you down, but, come on, you're wearing a Naraku costume, remember?
Point is, comics have made the jump to main stream and there is good and bad repercussions. I'd like to focus on the good for now and talk about how amazing it is to be a comic fan in today's time. I've been reading comics for a long time and I don't remember it ever being this fun. I mean, back in the day, which actually is a Wednesday (thanks to Mr. Martin for pointing that out), I had a very small circle of friends with whom I could talk comics with and that was it.
Nowadays, comics and information about comics can be found everywhere. I don't have to talk to the same small group of guys who think Spawn is the only comic worth reading, instead I can talk to an array of well-read people with differing opinions and ideas just by checking out one of the many comic blogs and forums on the web. So, why are we creating this blog if so many already exist? That's an easy one.
We love talking comics.
So, if you are like us, please keep checking back and sharing your opinions. We'll be here. Oh, and one more thing...
It's not a Brand New Day, just another less than Amazing one.
Happy Halloween.
-JaY k.
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